Section faq

Will I be covered during the session?

You will be properly covered or draped at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on will be exposed. No areas will be exposed without your consent. You should always let your therapist know if you are uncomfortable for any reason during your massage session.

Must I be completely undressed?

You should undress to your desired level of comfort. About half of our clients prefer to be completely undressed, while the other half prefers to keep their undergarments on. This is completely up to you. You will undress and dress in the privacy of your massage room and will be securely covered by a blanket and a sheet during your massage session.

How much should I tip?

Many clients are unsure if and/or how much they should tip their massage therapist. Our studios’ therapists love what they do and your tip may reflect your appreciation for their service. We recommend tipping percentages be based on the full price of a regular massage, rather than the discounted price. However, a tip is entirely up to you and your massage will always be above standard.

How often should I receive a massage?

For those who use massage as preventative care or to manage daily stress, one or two massages a month is common. Weekly sessions may be desirable if you are receiving massage for injury relief or to relieve chronic tightness that is interfering with your daily life. There are many people who incorporate massage therapy at least once a week for optimal therapeutic relief.

What does a massage therapist’s license or certification mean?

A license means that a massage therapist has met the requirements and paid the fee to legally practice massage in your city, county and/or state. To obtain a license, a massage therapist will usually have to complete a minimum number of training hours at an accredited or accepted school or training center.

What is included in the session time?

A session consists of massage, time for you to dress and undress and time to communicate with the therapist to make your massage truly customized.